How to promote youtube channel

  • SocialBull
  • 2022-11-19 00:00:00



How to promote youtube channel?


1. Write catchy and engaging Titles.


Video Title can help you to attract viewers because Title gives an overview of the subject of your video. To write any video Title Focus on the words which can make a good headline use strong keywords, relatable language, and use wordplay. You can write up to 100 characters Title on YouTube but the best Titles are around 60-70 characters which display fully on most devices. Must avoid clickbait or misleading Titles in which Video Title says something controversial or sensational but in reality, the video contains something else. Use the right keywords for YouTube Search, Use numbers when required because people pay attention to numbers, add hashtags to your titles, make relative title and thumbnail, and add Emotive Words like Profitable, Luxurious, Helpful, Fierce, Easy, Daring, Competitive, and Best-selling.


2. Optimize your videos for visibility.


Users consume millions of video content daily on YouTube and now the competition is fierce. Yet, video SEO strategy can get your videos in front of your target audience. Optimizing means to encourage search engines to rank your video content for target keywords. It involves setting metadata that is relevant to the searching pattern of users. Create a High Quality Video Content, Get your video title and description Right, create an appealing thumbnail, Upload your video’s Transcript, and Add accurate hashtags.


3. Figure out what your audience wants.


Target audience refers to the specific group of consumers most likely to consume your content. The target audience may be dictated by Age, Gender, Income, Location, Education level, Profession, and Interests. This information will define every plan and strategy you execute to get more and more views.


4. Engage with the YouTube community.


Any sort of interaction with your viewers is seen as a positive signal to YouTube. Liking comments only take a few seconds, you can also reply few comments and it will be pinned in the comment section, Introduce your viewers to the community tab, Motivate Users to Enable Notifications, Make Use of Polls, Host a Q&A Session these strategies helps you in creating a bond with your audience.


5. Customize your thumbnails.


One of the simplest yet effective tactics to promote your YouTube channel is creating custom thumbnails. Think of your title and thumbnail as a sort of one-two punch to grab a viewer’s attention. By default, YouTube snags a screenshot from any given video and uses it for the thumbnail. Unfortunately, sometimes the image it grabs will be a blurry shot of you adjusting the camera or a transition. Creating thumbnails yourself not only makes your videos look more appealing at a glance but also signals a certain sense of professionalism.


6. Cross-promote your own videos on YouTube.


You can promote your own video in the description box of another video but adding a related video will work more, in this way you can promote your own old video, and encourage viewers to check them out as a sort of call-to-action.


7. Target Google search results.


Google now prioritizes video over other content for many searches. People don’t just look for videos on YouTube, they use Google too. While you shouldn’t totally create content for search engines versus people, you should promote your YouTube channel with SEO in mind. Identify possible keywords with a tool like the Google Ads Keyword Planner. Analyze the Search Engine Results Page, Try adding words like “How to” or “Tutorial”, Videos with length of 10 minutes plus are on priority for Google Search, And YouTube’s autocomplete feature is another great way to find popular keywords. Start by searching for a particular topic, and see what title YouTube suggests.


8. Run a contest or giveaway


If there’s one thing YouTube users love, it’s a giveaway. Host a YouTube contest or giveaway to encourage people to subscribe to your channel and engage. Give away a gift that’s related to your brand: you want to attract more than just freebie-seekers. To keep your contests simple, have people like your video, leave a comment and subscribe to your channel to enter.


9. Start a video Series for more engagement.


A smart way to promote your YouTube channel is by creating a specific video series that covers a recurring theme or topic. Consistency pays off. Post videos on a regular schedule to keep viewers coming back to your channel again and again.


10. Embed your YouTube videos.


Embedding means visitors can watch the video on a website without leaving the current page. You can embed your video on other social media platforms or the web for promotion because some of the best places to promote your YouTube Channel are beyond YouTube itself.


11. Create playlists and organize your YouTube videos.


The more videos you create, the more difficult it becomes for people to navigate them on your channel.  Playlists allow you to group your videos into categories to organize your channel, Playlists are a great way to get people to watch more of your content in one go. That’s because these collections are a little addicting. As soon as one video ends, the next begins. And playlists also help with discoverability.


12. Calls to action for more engagement.


Look into the camera and verbally tell viewers what you want them to do. You can ask viewers to comment, share, and like your video. And also ask them to subscribe to your channel. This is a valuable tip You can use because when you give useful information to viewers and then at last when you ask them to subscribe, then most probably they will subscribe your channel.


13. Give live streaming a try.


YouTube has been offering live videos for years but has only recently started picking up steam. You can take a look at some popular YouTube Live videos to get a sense of how other brands are using the platform. you can use YouTube Live for:

Webinars, Live tutorials, Q&A sessions, and Product demonstrations.


14. Collaborate with other creators and brands.


The Strategy some of the biggest YouTube stars used to grow their following is by collaborating with other YouTubers. Each collaboration gives you exposure to a new audience. And those new viewers are more likely to subscribe to your channel since you’re working with a content creator they already know, like, and trust. The key to a successful collaboration is to collaborate with a YouTuber with a similar Niche.


15. Run a paid YouTube ad campaign.


You can get more play by paying more, you always have the option to get more visibility through paid YouTube ads.YouTube offers a variety of ad formats to choose from: Display ads, Overlay ads, Skippable and non-skippable video ads, Bumper ads, and Sponsored cards.


16. Regularly publish your YouTube content to social media.


The more consistent you are, the more your chances of the channel's growth. YouTube algorithm favors channels that upload content regularly, but in order to increase your frequency never compromise with quality. You should regularly promote your YouTube channel to your social followers to encourage them to Subscribe your channel.



What mistakes one should avoid on a YouTube channel?


1. Not deciding a theme for your channel.


A YouTube channel is like a magazine or a blog, it needs a theme so that the people who get to know it knows what they will find there.


2. Not identifying your target audience and the objectives of your channel.


To be successful you need to have a strategy, and for your strategy to be successful you have to be clear about two things:


What audience are you addressing?

What do you want to achieve with your YouTube channel?


3. Not having your profile optimized.


When someone comes to a YouTube channel for the first time, most probably they will do research that who is the person running the channel, and what types of videos it has. That is why it is important to have the YouTube channel optimized with an appropriate banner, description, thumbnail, playlists to categorize your content, a clear profile photo suiting your niche, and Optimized videos with proper titles, descriptions, and keywords. Must add an introductory video So users get an idea of the channel.


4. Not being constant on your channel.


One of the most common mistakes in all social networks. If you want to increase your visibility and the number of subscribers, you have to upload content more frequently to give your users content to see and share.


5. Not interacting with your subscribers.


Show your subscribers that there is a person behind all those videos and that this person is real. Encourage your followers to keep watching your videos and try to answer their comments and questions. This way you will build a relationship with your subscribers and they will have more loyalty for your channel.


6. Generating low quality content.


Although the frequency is important, but the content you publish is of quality, and giving value to your target audience is more important. It is better that you publish 2 videos a week of good quality than 5 videos a week of poor quality.


7. Not thinking of a strategy to hold your audience.


Only Quality is not enough to trend any video. If you want to share 30-minute videos, you have to get your subscribers hooked in the first 3 or 4 minutes. If the beginning of the video is boring, viewers won’t continue watching until the end.


8. Not analyzing your content.


Monitor each content you publish and also monitor how many people subscribed to your channel after any particular video. By knowing how your videos perform, you can discover many things like most viewed video, videos with the most likes and comments, and at what time your videos perform well.





In Today's Digital World YouTube came to be one of the most important needs for humans. Through YouTube, Users can Learn many skills, one can Educate himself/herself about any topic, can be used for entertainment also, and can gain income, name, and fame as well, and that too without any cost.

Many Advertising Agencies are Working on YouTube for marketing products, and now it became an essential Marketing Tool.